Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

I wish you all a peaceful and blessed Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Birthdays, ham, and other fun stuff!

It has been busy around here so I haven't had much time to sit down to post on my blog.  Lots of ideas running around my head, but no time!  I was able to work a little on some felt food  while watching late night tv and will share that and some other exciting things soon.

This week we'll celebrate two of our kid's birthdays.  Also my dad was supposed to have a kidney stone removed as well as a biopsy of the kidney.  However, the surgeon said the area was too small for the scope so neither was done.  Dad is not happy having to wait two weeks to try again and no news as to whats going on.  So, Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow will be rocky - not sure if he will be able to come to my house since he lives over an hour away.  To make things easier, we bought a Honey Baked ham - el yummo!  The pies and bread will be baked tonight.  We may just take dinner to Dad!

I did get confirmation that my garment label has been shipped and this is what I picked out.  Simple stuff.  Thanks for your feedback and helping me with the label!

Well, I'm off to go see Megamind with four 8 year olds and then roller skating!  (I still have my roller skates - red devil wheels!)

Take care,

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Playing with food!

My four year old daughter mentioned the other day that she was ready for me to make some more play food for her little kitchen.  I agree.  I really got into making play food from felt last year and thought I would share a few of them with you.  The pictures aren't great, but you'll get a glimpse anyway!

Aaaaahhh, donuts!  So fun, so easy.  I think I made one in every color - with sprinkles!

And for my daughter's last birthday, petit fours, truffles, and cookies - suh-weet!

And we must start of the day with a good breakfast (I said good, not necessarily nutritional!)

Picnic time!

And a quick dinner on the run...

... makes me happy!  (snicker)

So forunate, too!

Some of my felt food came from patterns that I purchased from Jen at GulfCoastCottage.  Her patterns are fun, easy to follow, and have great illustrations and directions.  I have six of her patterns now and am eyeballing that cute little Gingerbread House pattern, too.  Check her out and tell her I sent ya!

I think I will be making pop-tarts next!  Or maybe gingerbread cookies - mmmmmm!

Monday, November 8, 2010

It's the little things...

... that make me giggly and tingly!

I hope that you have a happy week!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Ode to Pumpkins

I love pumpkins.  Love.  Them.

I nearly went nuts one day when grocery shopping!  Heaven!

Pumpkin Pancake mix - no way!  Yes way.  And they were awesome!  I will eat them in a box, I will eat them with, I will eat them here and I will eat them there!  I will get fat and not care.  Ummm?


I love them at the pumpkin patch.  Even this bumpy punkin'!

And then I had to "grow" some more!

I.  Love.  Pumpkins.