Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sew Darn Crafty - Linky and Giveaway!

If you don't already know Karen at Sew Many Ways - you need to head over to her blog and check out her new Linking Party- Sew Darn Crafty that she's been hosting!  This time, she's having a giveaway as well!  

I love this linking party because you get to see so many different types of crafts and projects at a glance and are introduced to some fun new blogs.  What a great way to share and promote the crafting community.

Karen has hosted Tool Time Tuesday for quite a while and she still amazes me with what she comes up with.  She can take a metal washer, a rope, and some plastic from the hardware store and turn it in to a new and useful household item.  Like me, she loves to label everything.  She's a true organizing queen.  And, she is an awesome quilter! 

I've just linked up and I hope you will, too!  Happy Sunday everyone!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Our last big 5th

Sniffle, sniffle.. weep.

Okay, I'm done.  For a moment.

Now its time to celebrate - my baby girl turns five today!  Happy Birthday beautiful baby!  "You're my girl."

Its so bitter-sweet. This is a tough year.  I have one daughter who will graduate high school and begin a whole new chapter in her life; and another who will begin her kindergarten year.  Such a contrast.  And, two other kiddos in between.  So while the oldest was  shopping for a prom dress, the other was giggling and jumping up and down with her buddies at Build-A-Bear workshop on Saturday for her fifth birthday party!  Five sweet, tiny girls ready to bring their bunnies, cats, and doggies to life with some stuffing and little red hearts!  Fun, fun, and fun.

My daughter asked for an American Girl doll for her birthday and what better way to present the new doll than with a matching dress!  I was a little nervous about making doll clothes, but the Mini-Frida by modkid was very easy.  I am so excited about making more doll clothes and have already planned to make matching dresses in April for my daughter's best friend!


I plan to purchase some of the Simplicity patterns as well.  We decided that "Jessica" needs a few more clothes.  I would love to hear your thoughts on any of the clothes you have made.  Do you have favorite patterns, tricks, or tips?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Party Duds

I do believe that all of my youngest daughter's friends were born within a month of each other!  So, with all the parties, I made a few dresses and skirts for her to wear.  I bought the cutest fabric at IKEA a few years ago and finally put it to good use (post here). I added some bunting from the fabric to a t-shirt and yippee - party duds!  So festive!

Thanks to the great advice and tutorial at Ta-Da Creations, I altered my Simplicity pattern #2377 to make this little a-line dress.  I love the fun colors!


My for my daughter's 5th birthday, I used Frida by modkid to make this sweet dress. I made this several months ago but in a shorter length and with pants.  It goes together quickly and easily.  Patty Young's patterns and instructions are very well thought-out and designed.
I am looking forward to some spring weather... and a green yard again!  I'm going to share another fun project in my next post!