Friday, April 15, 2011

Really? (insert major sarcasm)

Let's go back two years.... On a trip to Round Top and Marburger Farms with BFF Harriet, I purchased two really cool, vintage ice cream parlor chairs (or whatever they are).  Forward one year... I purchased from a local antique shop a really sweet table with two chairs.  They patiently waited in the garage to be used.

Fast forward to last weekend... I finally got around to covering the seats of the chairs I purchased a year ago with some fabric I also bought a while back.  Spring is here, the weather was beautiful, and the yard is looking lovely.  Perfect timing, right?

So on Sunday, I put all four chairs and the table on my back patio.  I was very pleased with them and couldn't wait to add some red geraniums to the table to pretty it up.  So cute, so quaint.

Monday morning, 1:30 a.m., I woke from the sound of a storm.  High, high winds that were so strong the rain was almost sideways.  I peeked through the window at the front yard, then the back.  At that moment, I contemplated going outside to move the four chairs and table.  "Nah, its just rain."  I went back to bed.  

About five minutes later I heard a smashing sound.  It even woke my husband.  He went to check the front yard and I went to check the back.

"Nooooooooo!"  (Hands in head)  A HUGE limb from our huge cottonwood tree had come down right on top of my cute little table.  It totally flattened one of the heavy steel chairs and shattered the glass in a gazillion pieces!  And don't be fooled.  It may not look heavy, but I couldn't lift it.  It will take two of us to move the limb.



Last winter, we lost our beautiful patio gazebo to snow.  Cratered.  Gone.

Why do the Patio gods hate me?  I don't want anything elaborate.  Just cute.  Just quaint.

On the bright side - I'm glad I decided not to go out to move the table and chairs... I might not be writing this post.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Here I am!

Adoring fans have been emailing for days... "Mona, where are you?  What have you been up to?  We miss you!!!"  Okay, not really.  Just my cousin "Mimi" - Hey Cuz!

The days are a big blur.  Somewhere in between PTA meetings, baseball and soccer practices and games, and preparations for senior year (prom, prom dresses, graduation...), I did manage to sneak in a weekend with my favorite sewing buddies (Brenda, Janice, Mary Lynn, Nancy, and Sherrie), at our favorite retreat Southern Comfort.  We decided to call ourselves the "Southern Sewing Sisters"!

We sewed... and ate... and laughed... and sewed... and walked... and ate.  You get the idea.  And, we all went to the local Wal-Mart on a field trip!  Yes, the closest thing to a fabric shop in Mineola is Wal-Mart.  But, we did manage to find some cute fabric (well, duh!) and went back happy campers to sew some more.

Of course our hostess, Linda fed us well.  During Spring Break I came down with a nasty stomach bug early in the week and was determined to kick it before the retreat.  I didn't want to miss any of her cooking so I ate crackers for three days prior to going.  So when I finally got to eat, I felt like I had eaten twice as much!  But, I suffered through it!  


And, I did manage to get a few projects taken care of.  I know - you're thinking, "How in the world did you manage to sew if you were eating so much?"  I managed.  

I sewed an Easter dress for my youngest daughter - with a zipper!  Thanks Nancy!  It turned out really cute although in the photo it looks a little plain.  I was going to make a bolero jacket but didn't like the fabric I brought.  I did add some sparkly little jewels (thanks Mary Lynn!) to the bodice when I got home.  I plan to add a wide satin ribbon to it as well.


The next two projects were matching dresses (more "Fridas") for my daughter's best friend who turns five next month.  She is getting an American doll for her birthday.  Ssssshhhh, don't tell - its a secret!  I think she will be happy with them.


And, I sewed a little skirt to finish up the weekend.  I found all of the fabric on our field trip and made the skirt from scratch - my first pattern!  I was inspired by a cute little top that Mary Lynn made.  Ruffles, ruffles, ruffles.  I used my new ruffler to tackle that project.  So much faster than the other methods!

Scarves are all the rage so I brought a t-shirt and whipped up this cute scarf that I saw on DIY Dish.  Super fast, easy, and inexpensive.  Miss Janice was my lovely model, so she got to keep the scarf!  

Finally, we went to Kindergarten Round-Up tonight.  My daughter was so excited to go.  Of course, it is sad for me as she is the last to go to school.  And, very strange because I bought a prom dress for one daughter and signed the other up for kindergarten in one week.  Such opposite ends of the emotional spectrum!

Thanks for stopping by!  Have a great weekend!