Wednesday, June 29, 2011

All the trimmings...

Yummy ribbons and trim!

It doesn't take much to make me happy!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Too hot to handle!

I've been wanting and drooling over the Rowenta DG5030 steam iron for weeks now.  After receiving the beloved 20% off coupon from Bed Bath and Beyond, I promptly ran down and purchased it for considerably less than I could find it anywhere else.  I came home, opened it up, starting using it on lots of new fabric that was just washed and dried.  

The iron worked great.  The steam was great.  All the wrinkles were gone with one swipe of the iron.  But, it was so stinkin' hot!  Yes, I know that irons get hot.  I'm talking about the pure heat that emits from the whole machine.  I couldn't even touch the counter underneath where the machine had been.  Hot.  You've seen my studio - not huge, but plenty enough room.  This iron heated up my whole studio!  I even had my purty fan running.

Sorry, DG - you've got to go.  I drained the tank and made sure it was all dry and boxed 'er back up.  And this is what I came home with - the Rowenta DA1560!

I made myself chuckle!  Isn't she cute?  Let's call her Stella.  Talk about from one extreme to the other!  One of my Southern Sewin' Sistahs has this little cutie and let me tell you - it is deceiving!  It puts out plenty of heat and nice steam.  

So why go from the steam generator to a travel iron?  Well, I would still like to find a good steam iron that I can  use to iron my newly washed fabric and bigger items with.  I figured the travel iron would be perfect to use when I'm sewing - good output but takes up less space and is good for smaller ironing projects like pressing seams.  And, obviously good for travel.

Now back to my current project. I found yet another McCall's pattern at JoAnn's for $1.99 (right in my budget).  I'll let you know how (well) it turns out!

Have a great weekend!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

I just wanna sew...

... all day... every day!

What about you?  Is there something you could dive into for days?

Friday, June 10, 2011


Youngest daughter:  "Mom, can I paint something?"  
 Me:  "Paint something?  Like what?"
YD:  "Ummm, how 'bout one of those things.  You know, those little houses."
Me:  (long pause, thinking hard....)  "Oh, the little bird houses?"
YD:  "Yes!  Can I?"

To be honest, I almost said no.  Well, because it was being saved.  Saved for that PERFECT craft.  Saved for that special gift.  "That" occasion.  You know, saved.

And, I would have to drag out the paints, cups, water, brushes, blah blah blah.  Sigh.

Wait!  My baby girl wants to craft.  To create!  Its washable paint and the birdhouse was a dollar for Pete's sake!  It will give her something to do, keep her busy for a while, hone her painting skills, and improve her dexterity!

Me:  "Sure, let me get the things you need.  How about in the kitchen?"

It sits in my office and doesn't match a thing, but it is PERFECT.  That worked out nicely, didn't it?


P.S.  Before I could even get back to what I had previously been doing, she was done!  Maybe I should have given her glitter...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

She's a Beauty

Isn't she pretty?  Isn't she lovely?

I purchased this antique hand-crank sewing machine a few months back from a local church garage sale that benefited missions.  My friends who are members of the church called a few days prior to the sale to give me first dibs on the machine.  I don't own any other vintage machines, but I couldn't resist this one!

She is a Frister & Rossmann, made in Germany.  I am still researching her age.  I believe she came about after the Great War because "Made in Berlin" was not on the machine.  The plate reads:  "Manufactured in Germany by Frister Rossmann, Trade Mark FR, Sole Agent O. Quitmann, 18 City Road, Finsbury Square, London, E.C.1.  The serial number is 3735709.  Go here  and here for a little lot of background on Frister Rossmann.  Even after reading through their websites, I was still confused.  The serial numbers made no sense to me!

The machine needs a little cleaning and looks to be in working order.  When I turn the hand crank, it sounds wonderful!  I found a few instruction booklets online, but I just haven't had the time to play with it yet.  The case is in great shape, but the original key was missing.  In the machine base we found lots of the original feet, bobbins, and some very old straight pins. The tiny little bobbins still have thread on them!  

The front plate is not ornate as some others I have seen in photos.  In fact, they varied widely in decoration.  I saw many similar to her, but not just like her.

If you have a Frister & Rossman, I would love to hear all about her!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Winner, winner... chicken dinner!

Who came up with that saying anyway?  Well, its just funny so I had to use it!

A big thanks to everyone who left comments for the Studio Summer 2011 magazine giveaway!  Mr. Random N. Generator was called in for the occasion and picked.... 

Congratulations Pam!  Your copy of the latest Studios will soon be on its way.  Please email me with your mailing address so that I can get that sent to you speedy quick.  Autographed or not?  Phahahaha!  I hope the magazine inspires you with useful and creative ideas for your space!

Cousin "Mimi" - I have to say you cracked me up.  I counted nine, yes nine uses of "pick me" in just three comments!  I can just see you with your hand waving about!  "Ooh, ooh... pick me!"  Dad and Aunt Helen are asking for copies... maybe one will make it your way soon... hint, hint!