Thursday, July 21, 2011

Girls Day Out

It was "Girls Day Out" for Harry and Mo!  My girlfriend Harriet and I took the day off all by ourselves and headed to the big town of Waxahachie, Texas - the Crape Myrtle Capital and Gingerbread City!  That's pronounced /ˌwɒksəˈhætʃi/.  Did you get that?  Try this:  Wok-seh-hatch-yee.

Awesome fun!  Harriet, being my ever-faithful and all-knowing guide, took me to the Common Threads Quilt Shop first.  Oh yeah, you don't have to twist my arm.  The shop is full of great fabric and the nicest folks!  We both walked away with goodies we couldn't live without.


This beautiful hand-embroidered piece really touched my heart. I feel the same way today that this sweet gal, Sarah must have felt back in 1893!

Okay, let's mosey around the corner to The Dove's Nest.  Whoa!  How cool is this place?!  Talk about spending hours.  They carry the neatest things.  Fun and unique.  And when you think you need a break, stop and have a bite to eat and enjoy some of the best tea you've ever tasted.  Then, get back to shopping.  What a treat!


This cracked me up!

Last stop of the day, and conveniently just a few stores away... The Crafty Scrapper!  Wow.  Just wow.  I'm not a scrapbooker (is that a word?), but I was in scrapbook heaven!  They carry everything.  I just walked around ooing and aahhhing and saying, "ooooh, Harriet - look at theeeeeese!"  It was almost embarrassing.  And, I found the best trims.  Ever!

I just realized I didn't take pictures of the inside.  Just this one of the building.  From the car.  Whilst traffic stopped and waited on me.  Sorry!  And, thanks!

And when I realized it was time to head back home, I suddenly felt the need to take a few more.  From the car.  Whilst traffic stopped and waited on me.


Every courthouse in Texas looks a lot like this!  I love these old buildings.

Lots of sweet houses, too.  They were all dressed up for July 4th!


Why have I never gone to Waxahachie before?  Seriously, it is only about thirty minutes from my house.  Harriet - you ready to head back?  Let's go!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Finished Shtuff

Is it hot enough yet?  Yep, I'm pretty sure it is!  These 104 degree days here in north Texas are getting to me. 

Anyhoo, I wanted to share with you two of the projects I worked on when I was with my Southern Sewing Sistahs.  I purchased the Two-Hour Tulip Purse pattern by Anything But Boring at Berry Patch Fabrics and got to work on it right away using the perfect laminated cotton I found at Cabbage Rose Quilting, both in Fort Worth.  

I had not worked with laminated cotton before, so I was excited to try it out on this project.  The purse went together well and the instructions were great.  Since I was using other cotton fabrics in the project, I had no problem with the laminated cotton.  However, I have been told that using a teflon foot helps when sewing with the laminated cotton. You don't want to put pins in the fabric as it will leave obvious holes - just pin inside the seam line and all is good.


So what do you think?  My daughter loved it right away.  This is the jumbo sized purse.  The small would be perfect for a child to carry around.

I also finished this little dress.  This is Michael Miller's Gypsy bandana in pink and border in lime.  So fun to work with!  The pattern is Simplicity 2167 and was quick and easy.  Lots of great possibilities.  And, it didn't hurt that I only paid $1.99 for the pattern!

What projects have you been working on?  Or should I say, "playing with"?  It's not work, right?

Friday, July 8, 2011

Southern Sewing Sistahs!

Whew!  The kids are asleep and I'm finally at a point to sit down and post about some fun things that have been happening over the past few weeks.  I'll start out by introducing you to a few of my favorite girlfriends (aka the Southern Sewing Sisters).

(L-R:  Janice, Moi, Brenda, Mary Lynn, Sherry, and Nancy)

Four of us angels live here in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, one sweetie is from Mississippi, and one darlin' is from Louisiana.  We met a few years ago at our favorite sewing retreat and have become good friends.  I wish we could see each other more often.  We get together about twice a year, but already have plans for October and are working on next spring!

The Martha Pullen Sewing Market was in Arlington a few weeks back so we planned some fun around that.  We hit lots of quilt shops and fabric stores in Fort Worth on Tuesday, then more on Wednesday in Dallas.  Thursday and Friday were market days, and we had some fun sewing on Saturday and Sunday.  Thanks Brenda for opening up your home and office to us so we could stay and play!  She has a huge office with a nice, big conference table that worked great for all our machines and another room with large tables that doubled as pattern and cutting tables.  Big hugs to her hubs, Bill for fixing great breakfasts and dinners while we were there.  He even whipped homemade biscuits and in the shape of Texas!  He's a keeper!

I found a few cool things that week that I HAD to have...


Fabric, (well duuuuhhhh!), the new Sewing with Whimsy book by Kari Mecca (and some cool toys to go with it), sewing gadgets that I obviously need (how did I ever get along without them?), a free copy of the Sew Beautiful magazine (yay Free!), and the lint roller (he swore I would never need to buy another one... he looked honest to me!). 

And look what Janice brought us sisters!  Love her!


Sewing market is always fun.  Free classes, demos, lots of goodies to buy!  And, we got to see a few of our other sewing buddies!   Molly and Bettie came for the day - they always make me wish I had a sister!  And, Lorene of was there in her booth showing off her latest kits and creations.

And, I finally had the pleasure of meeting Kay Whitt of Sew Serendipity.  What a sweetheart!  Kay lives in a neighboring city and I found out she grew up not too far from where I lived.  Small world!  She was obliging and posed for a picture.  However, I had to go back later and ask for another picture. I felt like a goober.  I guess I didn't see the lady who was standing behind Kay and holding up something she was looking at in the booth, thus exposing her arm in a not-so appealing way.  So, we took another.  Thanks Kay!

I bought her book and have already picked out fabric and muslin (all washed and ready to go).  I'm looking forward to sewing a skirt for myself.  Kay is working on her second book and I know it will be amazing, too!

Lastly, while at market, I took a sit-and-sew class from Missy Billingsly who works with Martha Pullen.  She is a doll and a wonderful teacher.  These 2-hour classes are great!  They provide Babylock machines and sergers and everything you need to make your project.  


Last year I made the heirloom baby bonnet by serger and this year I made a zippered purse on the serger.  I don't do much on my serger other than three or four thread overlock or rolled hem, so this encouraged me to branch out a little!  We even put in a zipper using the serger.  See how cute it is!

Too bad my five year old has already claimed it.  Looks like Barbie's got a brand new bag!

Okay, so that is just part of the fun.  I'll have to fill you in on the rest of it in a day or two.  Thanks for stopping by and see you soon.  Stay cool!

Monday, July 4, 2011

There is Liberty

"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom."
 2 Corinthians 3:17

We were worshiping yesterday at church and as we were singing, I saw something that really caught my eye.  Yes, we had props in front on the stage from our monthly sermon, and the pastor, the band, our choir.  We had five beautiful American flags, lots of red, white, and blue everywhere.  But what struck me in the midst of all of this was what stood out just two rows in front of us.  A young man, probably in his late twenties was singing and had his arms stretched out to God.  On his left forearm was a large tattoo of the Statue of Liberty.  

To me, it was the perfect picture of what our country was born from - the fight for FREEDOM.  Freedom to worship to God, freedom to sing, freedom to assemble, freedom to be ourselves.

I am thankful to live in this great country.  And, praise God that He has given us the ultimate freedom.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Another go at it!

Well, I just couldn't stand it.  After the great gazebo-snow fiasco and tree limb incident, I thought I had given up on my back patio.  But, we found this "conversation" set at a price we couldn't pass up.  So, I'm giving it another go.


I will admit, I have asked my husband to haul it all in and out of the garage a few times when bad weather hit - better safe than sorry!  Dare I say, "so far, so good"?

Oh, and forgive the ugly door in the back.  It needs some work and paint to match the rest of the house.  It's just been too hot to mess with!

Have a wonderful 4th of July!