Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

I wanted to share this fun little project with you.  I am sorry to share this so late, but maybe it is something you can use next year.  I made 75 of these little guys for the elementary faculty.  Fun and easy-peasy.  You just need clear treat bags, pretty ribbon, card stock, and of course.. candy corn!  The template can be found here.

We will trick-or-treat tonight with some friends in their neighborhood.  The street will be blocked off and it will be packed with all kinds of spooky and quirky and sweet little people!

Have a safe and fun Halloween!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Monday, October 10, 2011

As if this weren't sucking up enough of my time...

... now my BFF Harriet tells me about this...

... which explains a lot with me lately.  Hopefully, I'll peel myself away from these time-suckers (as awesome and inspiring as they may be) and actually post a few things soon!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Two years of blogging!  A big thanks to all of you who stick around to read through my ramblings and to those who stop by to check out lalabymona.  Blogging has been a special part of my life and I'm so happy to have you as blogging buds!