Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tis the Season 2009 - Partie Trois

And if you'll step this way into the living room!  I would like to share with you our living room Christmas tree.  I have to say that I am a little embarrassed - it does need some work.  I can still see the branches!  My family just doesn't understand - it can hold more ornaments!

Years ago, I saw a beautiful tree in a magazine (imagine that) and fell in love!  It was covered, I mean covered with gorgeous, colorful glass ornaments.  Since then, I have collected ornaments each year just for this tree.  My family usually gives me a few for Christmas, too.  These aren't vintage ornaments, although some have that look.  Well, my kids will think they are vintage someday!

When I was a young girl, my mom and I always decorated our tree wtih lots and lots of blinking multi-colored ornaments.  Then, when I was a teenager, we decided to change up and go with all red and white.  We made a tree skirt just for the new look!  It was so funny - we sewed the pretty little skirt and made it specifically for the artificial tree we had used for years.  (Which may also explain why I like a ton of ornaments - you could see through the branches because it was getting so old!)  Anyway, I kept the tree when I got married but we finally had to throw it away and we purchased a real one.  Can you guess where this is going?  Well, since it had only a little four inch hole for the tree "trunk" to go through, the skirt wouldn't fit any other tree!  I guess my mom and I thought we would have that little tree forever! 

Okay, back to the tour.  I decided to buy a new skirt this year and found this one.  It is pretty red and olive satin with cutwork and beads.  I, having learned my lesson, bought one that would fit pretty much any tree and stand the test of time!  And, an added bonus - it was 50% off at Hobby Lobby.  Sweet.

I spread a few of the decorations here and there...

Notice on the picture frame above how it looks like little spoons on a wire?  Well, my son just informed my that his three year old sister keeps turning those up.  They are supposed to be ornments hanging from a wire!!  I thought it looked odd when I snapped the photo!

Next on the holiday tour will be my children's holiday decorating.  I can't wait to show you!

Merry Christmas,


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