Monday, March 29, 2010

"Well, how nice....."

Lorene had some great projects lined up and we got busy right away.  Everyone was busy, busy, busy!

Betty always has a smile on her pretty face...


Janice worked on making bias for the first time.  And she said she couldn't.  HA!  We don't believe you anymore, Jis!


Diane made some lovely dresses for her twin granddaughters.

 Robin is studying pretty dern hard...

And Nancy is happy because she already knows her stuff!!  Go girl!

Lorene is busy all the time - helping us, teaching us...  Wait - she's playing on her cool new phone!  I want that little skirt sitting on her lap.  She teased me with it the whole time!

Some of the ladies worked on the Beverly Belle Top by Izzy and Ivy, Ava by Mod Kid Boutique, and Claire by Portabellopixie Boutique.  Lorene carries all of these patterns and lots more in her shop!  Betty made the cutest bag out of laminated cotton (I gotta have some of that stuff!!  Uh hem, Lorene...).  Look at some of the sweet outfits my fellow sewing buddies created:

I finished up a few outfits that I had started, completed a top and capri pant set, and made a little purse to match an outfit that is nearly complete.  Lorene showed us how to make pin tucks.  Pure fun, I tell ya!

As much fun as we had, the retreat wasn't without accident.  Yes, Janice was nearly burned to death!  Ok, not really.  She burned her finger on the bias tape maker and I have proof.   Kind of.

Never fear, Linda came to the rescue and Janice is OKAY!  Whew, I was really sweatin' it for a while.  "Don't go to the light, Janice - not yet!"

Thanks for stopping by to hear me reminisce about the retreat!  I'll be back soon to share some other fun going's on's!



  1. We did have sew much fun and you are sew talented! I enjoyed being your roommate (did we sleep during the retreat??) Loved all the pretties everyone made. Burning my finger helped me make better bias tape:) I love making it now - and sewing it on. Glad Tess and Scott are enjoying the little cookbook. JisJis

  2. Oh Mona, your retreat looks blissful! I am sewwww jealous! I am glad you had a good time. Everything looks wonderful!

  3. And I love the "How Nice..." You did good with this blog post!!

  4. So glad you found Texas-Blogging Gals! Will get you on the next updated list.

    I have certainly enjoyed a first visit. Following...........I love those kind of retreats. We have done those, and they are SO much fun! Will have to get more time to come back and check everything out.

    Come see me at my personal blog, too. real soon!

  5. Just noticed the title of this post! Hilarious! And I think, "it's so nice" that you showed my pic and said I was studying so hard... Made me sound remedial! Ha!! JK! I love your blog and look forward to reading more!

  6. Oh my gosh this looks like sew much fun!!! What a great idea! I am thinking this might be something fun to do for our fellowship- use it as a ministry out reach- hum, will have to think about this!!

    bee blessed

  7. So much creativity in such a small space ;)

  8. Looks like a lot of fun and many beautiful creations `came from the retreat. Linda and Bill's home is lovely (they have the same names as my parents). That buffet of food looks divine! Have a wonderful Easter weekend. Many blessings, Tammy
