Friday, April 9, 2010

Oh no! Another toy... that I NEED!

Yes, need.  Not want.  Because we never just want them.  Right?  We NEEEEEEEEED them!  

You've probably all seen the Cricut machines used for paper art, scrapbooking, etc.  But have you seen the new Cricut Cake?  OMG!   Seriously, I have retired from creating cakes because I just don't have the time.  Cakes took a back-burner for sure.

But, with this little puppy - I cannot imagine how quick and easy cake decorating would be!  Go check it out.  The people at Cricut are genius, I tell ya!  

Also, check out the Cuttlebug Challenge Blogspot - they are giving away a Cricut Cake!  Yippee!  Only, don't actually participate.  That way my chances are much better!   (snickering...)

Fondantly yours,


Time to brag a little!

My two oldest daughters had artwork on display at the art museum last month.  They have always enjoyed art and are both very creative.  I wanted to share a few pictures with you of some of their artwork.

My oldest daughter is taking ceramics and had four pieces to show.  The large green box, the oval plate, square plate, and cup.  These pictures don't do them justice.  I can't wait to get them home!

My other daughter had several pieces to show that were matted for display.  I love her color play!

Thanks for stopping by!  I really enjoy your visits and comments.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010


When we were at the sewing retreat, Miss Linda served a salad that I swear only my mom ever made.  At least, I always thought that.  My mom used to serve a pear half with a dollop of mayonnaise and shredded cheddar cheese on top.  In talking with some of the other ladies, they grew up eating that or a variation of it.  Apparently the recipe came from the original Betty Crocker cook book???  Maybe that is where my mom got it from.  It brought back sweet memories.  We chit-chatted about cook books and...

... to my surprise, my dear friend Janice sent me the neatest, sweetest little cook book!  For kids!  Oh my - my four year old just fell in love.  "When can we make sumthin' Mommy?"

I love the way they listed "Extra Special" items like cakes and cookies at the top of the table of contents and "Rules" at the bottom!  Yeah, because you know the saying, "Life is too short - eat dessert first!"

I love this page... When You Set the Table.  Back in the day when etiquette and manners were most important!

Thank you so much Janice for this special gift - one that my kids and I will not only use to build memories, but that I can hand down to them for their kids!

Happy Cooking!


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Flat Stanley heads west!

I'm sure many of you know about Flat Stanley.  Well, my son's Flat Stanley headed to the farm this past weekend.  (I think that is either a tattoo or birth mark on Flat Stanley - I'm afraid to ask!)  We couldn't pass up the photo op with a llama.  Unfortunately, the llamas were not as enamored with us!  Every time we took a step, the llamas took three steps- away!

A good friend of mine sent Flat Stanley to her mother-in-law, Noela in Australia.  What a sweet lady!  She was so kind to take pictures of Flat Stanley for us and also sent back a note and an article from their local newspaper regarding a koala bear.  Next time, I'm sending myself to visit Noela!

Scott wrote a thank you letter to Noela - how cute is that?

I think I hear Flat Stanley packing.  I believe he may be headed to Indiana to see my Aunt Marie!

Happy Travels,


Monday, April 5, 2010

An eggsallent day!

From this....

.... to  this  in  no  time  flat!

I hope you all had a blessed Easter!


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Greetings!

The Resurrection - Matthew 28:1-9 (NLT)

   Early on Sunday morning, as the new day was dawning, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went out to see the tomb.  2Suddenly there was a great earthquake, because an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and rolled aside the stone and sat on it.  3His face shone like lightning, and his clothing was as white as snow.  4The guards shook with fear when they saw him, and they fell into a dead faint.
   5Then the angel spoke to the women.  "Don't be afraid!" he said.  "I know you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified.  6He isn't here!  He has been raised from the dead, just as he said would happen.  Come, see where his body was lying.  7And now, go quickly and tell his disciples he has been raised from the dead, and he is going ahead of you to Galilee.  You will see him there.  Remember, I have told you."
   8The women ran quickly from the tomb.  They were very frightened but also filled with great joy, and they rushed to find the disciples to give them the angel's message.  9And as they went, Jesus met them.  "Greetings!" he said.  And they ran to him, held his feet, and worshiped him.
What a wonderful, beautiful time of the year to celebrate and reflect on the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!  And, how wonderful God is to remind us this time of year with such lovely weather and flowers - just a few of His daily gifts to us.

Wishing you a blessed Easter Sunday!


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Miss Rhea's Easter Basket Swap - Revealed!

What fun I had in being one of the 71 swappers in this great swap!  You can go to Miss Rhea's blog to check out the other participants and see the amazing baskets they created.  Thanks so much Miss Rhea for hosting this swap!

I was partnered with two sweet gals, Amy of Paper Trails by a Paper Lover and Rosalyn-Sue of The Little Bluebird Diaries.  They sent me just the sweetest little baskets!  Glitter and candy and flowers (and candy!) and ribbons and tags and a sweet little photo holder!  There was even a JoAnn's gift card - no way!  They really did their homework!  Check them out!

I love everything about them!  Look at all the great goodies they blessed me with, too!  Thank you ladies - you just made my week!

Okay, now for the little baskets that I sent to them.  Like I said - I had so much fun.  I stayed up late at night trying to keep my ideas and thoughts from running wild.  There were so many options!  I made little felt bunnies, velvet bookmarks with pretty little trinkets, and glittered eggs for each basket and lined them with "grass" made of shredded sheet music.  So here they are:

Amy likes shades of red so I tried to throw in lots of reds and pinks.  The basket was covered in scrap-booking paper that I found this past Christmas and some red ribbon that I have been hoarding for some time now!  I found some cute little paper flowers to adorn the basket and gave her some of my favorite ribbon on a vintage wooden thread spool.

And Rosalyn-Sue likes cream, pale blush pink, and pale robin's egg blue so I tried to put a little of those here and there.  I used a nice cream felt to cover the basket and pretty silk ribbon to cover the handle.  I love those little yellow paper flowers!  She also got a pack of spring-colored glitter and a bookmark.  (Huh.  I just realized I gave her two bookmarks!  Rosalyn-Sue - I hope you like to read!)

I can't wait to see the other little baskets at Miss Rhea's.  I may have to save a few more yogurt cups and work on these throughout the year!

Wishing everyone a Happy Easter!


Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday Indeed!

Celebrating Good Friday 4 year old style...

