Monday, July 26, 2010

Looking back... and looking forward

I have so many projects that I would like to start, but one stood out among the rest.  Probably because Sivje of Goosegirl Sews has been posting all kinds of fun things about quilting.  I am amazed at her sewing anyway, but the fact that she is already teaching her children to sew and quilt at such young ages - well, let's give her a hand!  Go check out their progress.  I'm impressed!

So, I pulled out a project that I started about three years ago.  My mom, who taught me to sew and always encouraged my creative soul, thought that with four kids, I didn't have enough time for myself.  She thought I should take a class, maybe a quilting class - something dedicated to me.  

It wasn't long after that she passed away.  It was very sudden and unexpected.  As I was sitting in what was her room in my house, missing her and pondering things, I decided to transform the bedroom into what is now my studio.  I love being in my studio and sewing.  It is relaxing and peaceful.  Not a single day or project goes by that I don't think of her, all the fun we had sewing and crafting together, the things she taught me along the way, and how proud she would be. 

And, I took that quilting class.  I learned piecing and the basic squares.  All it lacked was the backing and quilting to finish it.  I really enjoyed the process.  But, somewhere along the way, the project was set aside with good intentions.  Until now.  So, thanks Sivje for sharing your posts.  You sparked that quilting bug in me which in turn brought back some very fond memories and a completed mini-quilt!

Below is the pieced quilt top.  More on the quilt coming soon.  Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Mona it is gorgeous! I am looking to take a class now too. Thanks for being encouragement. Your mom would be proud:) ~Shelley O.

  2. Oh Mona, you are just the sweetest little LaLa there is! Thank you for your sweet compliments. I did not know you lost your mama. You must miss her so much. Your quilt top is is beautiful. I can't wait to see it all finished. My sewing machine broke last night so I am currently sewing on Ahnalin's little Hello Kitty Janome. Fortunately, she only has the hand sewing left on her quilt, be she is trying to get it done to enter in the fair next week.
    Happy sewing Sweet Mona.
