Thursday, July 22, 2010

Yes, it's that chair again!

Seriously, I couldn't help myself!  I love the look of white duck - very shabby, but my chair was drowning in with everything else.  So, RIT dye to the rescue!

It could have been a tad lighter, but I like this shade of pink.

I had this nice sink full of pretty pink dye and just couldn't stand it... I found a flat sheet and some pillow cases and dyed those pink also!  My girlfriend came over and asked, "Why are you dyeing those pink.?"  Whaaaat?  The nerve!  So I replied, "Why wouldn't I?"  'Nuff said.

I'll try not to bring up my little chair again... for a while anyway!  In the meantime, I'll try to figure out what I'm going to do with the pink sheet and pillow cases!  Maybe a little red work embroidery?



  1. Ooh looks great. Of course anything looks better in pink!


  2. I love the pink. But I love pink. That color pink reminds me of "melt-away" mints. Have you ever had those? Creamy, delicious and they do melt on your tongue. So this color of pink is the color of confection perfection! Perfect!
