Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Sorry to keep you hanging on the edge of your seat.  I know you were all just pacing the floor to see the finished quilt!  (*snicker*)  So here 'tis!

I don't have a walking foot so some of the stitching was a little off and some of the fabric shifted and pinched.  I did use my ditch foot which helped a little.  I only quilted where the blocks met and then just free-motion quilted around the large border.

Remember my "little friend"?  Well, when I went into the quilt shop to purchase it, I showed the almost completed quilt to the sweet gal working and asked her what she thought.  She liked it and said it looked very good but that I had a tension problem.  I had to laugh.  She was referring to the long and irregular stitches where I first started the free-motion work.  I explained that the tension was fine - it was operator error!  I was sewing too slow and moving too fast - totally opposite of what I should have been doing.  But, I got in a bit of a sewing groove and the rest looked a little better!

All along, this little quilt has reminded me of my Aunt Marie.  She is the sweetest woman and was so very close to my mom.  She lives in Indiana and we don't get to see each other much at all.  I'm going to send this quilt to her as I know she will appreciate and enjoy it.

I'm pleased with it.  It was fun to make, I learned a lot, and I still have much to learn.  That gives me two new excuses - #1 get a walking foot ("But, honey - I neeeeeeeed it"), and #2 quilt some more!


  1. I have been waiting! :) It turned out gorgeous and yes go and get a waking foot. (Whatever that is) I am learning to sew and heard that I need one too! Your aunt will love it and how sweet to send it to her!

  2. It looks great! and yes you need a walking foot, I know it really cut down the level of swearing at my house! (I hated all those fabric pinchings!!)
    Of course you need to make another one, but watch out, there are addicitve!

  3. That is stunning! I love it, well done you - I could never do anything like that.

  4. Oh my this is just beautiful! I'd love to make a quilt one day...if I can ever learn to get along with my sewing machine! Your Aunt Marie will just love this! ;) Paulette
