Wednesday, September 1, 2010

WOYWW - Mum's the Word!

Really?  It's been two weeks since my last post?  So sorry.  Life has been happening!  School started back and it has been crazy around here.  And, someone decided that it would be a good idea to make our high school homecoming the second week of school!  So, this Friday is homecoming and we had to get busy.  

For those of you in the south, you know what I'm talking about.  Mums.  Homecoming mums.  Back in the day (am I really that old that I am saying, "back in the day"?)... our mums were real.  Anyhoo, I digress.  Well, since I'm what people call "the crafty type", my daughters and I make our mums.  And don't forget the garters (which are just mums for the boys that they wear on their arms)!

So, here's what's been on my desk.  Note, this is about as messy as I can stand it.  I have to stop and reorganize every so often!

Mums for the seniors are supposed to be in all white.  Well, white and silver because just white would be dumb.  Our colors are green and white so I did sneak some green in there.  For my daughter, I added lime green and white zebra striped ribbon and lime green sequins.  Girly, but not too girly.  The fun part is adding all the sparkly goodies like footballs, bells, ribbons, etc.

For my other daughter's garter that she will give to her homecoming date, we actually put lights in the mum and it blinks.  Too cool!  He said to surprise him.  I believe he will be surprised!  They are both in band so we added lots of "band" things like musical notes and ribbon with musical notes and things that said "band".  Pretty crafty, huh?  We're smart like that.  He also got a special French horn and a track shoe.  Guess what sport he's in?

Okay.  So, I'm going to bed now!  I'll have to show you what cool little outfit I made for my four year old to wear to the football games - next post!  



  1. those are fabulous!!! I am from the old school on mums too!! Wish i had known about this idea for my kids when they were in school!!

  2. How fun!! I have not seen these before as they don't do them on the West Coast. But yours is really fun and pretty! Have fun at homecoming!

  3. Oh I remember these Homecoming Corsages!! I always wished that I would get one from a boy but never did!! My mom ended up buying me a small one for the one homecoming dance I went to in High School. I was so mad at her for I knew the guy I was going with surely would bring me one- Boy was I glad she did that after he showed up empty handed!!
