Monday, October 4, 2010

Double-Doozy! 1st Blog-Aversary and 100th Post!

Yes, a whole year has whizzed by since my very first blog post AND I've had something to say one hundred different times!  I hesitated to start a blog for quite some time and after I did, I fell in love with it.  It is a weird kind of rush, and yet a calming feeling at times.  It is addicting and I have had to peel myself away from Blog Land many times in the wee hours of the night.  

I have to admit, it has been very self-serving.  I feel like a big sponge most of the time.  I feel guilty that I really don't have much to offer YOU, but yet I have gained so much from you.  I do appreciate all of you though.  You have made me laugh and cry.  You have challenged me and made me quite jealous at times.  You have worked so hard to give me so much.  And, I take it all in.  I read it all and I love seeing part of your world.  I really haven't given much back.  You have seen some of my crafts and projects, my studio.  I've done one tutorial, I think.  I haven't shared much of my personal life or my family.  I haven't come up with any great new ideas or projects.  No cool swaps or buttons to share.  

But, as I have pondered over these things the past several weeks, I have realized this:  not all of us are trail-blazers, not all of us are chiefs, not all of us are leaders of tomorrow.  Some of us are worker-bees, some of us are Indians, and some of us are history teachers.  In my home life, I am mom, wife, daughter, Team Mom, Room Mom, chairperson, business owner, PTA president, and friend.  I'm okay at this time with who I am in my blog life.  I hope you're okay with it, too.

So, there is no big party, no fancy clip art or photography...  just me telling you how thankful I am to have you as my blog friends and sharing yourselves with me this past year.  I truly appreciate all of you who follow my blog and I hope to get to know you better in my second year of blogging.



  1. Mona, I have enjoyed your blog for quite a while now. I don't sew anymore or cook often and my children are grown, but I have enjoyed reading about all the things you do. I now have two little grandsons that have enriched my life so much that I have been pondering about writing a blog. You have actually encouraged me by writing about the little things going on in your life. So I have finally started a blog! Maybe the best part of blogging is finding out we are connected in our effort to make life more interesting.

    I wrote a few posts before I even published, but you are right, it is fun. I find reading blogs make my day even better than it was. Congrats on your first year and I am glad you are starting on the second.

  2. Mona, your blog is wonderful! I'm so glad I stumbled upon it, having just started blogging myself, it is nice to know that I'm not the only one spending the wee hours of the night in blog heaven!

