Thursday, December 9, 2010

I "felt" like having a giveaway!!!

I recently posted about felt food and thought you might like to meet the talented owner and designer, Jen of Gulf Coast Cottage PDF.  I only know Jen through purchasing patterns from her sweet Etsy shop so I thought I would pick her brain a bit and get to know her a little better.  Here’s what Jen had to say:

Your professional background includes upholsterer and seamstress.  Can you tell us a little more about that and how that ties in with your felt creations?
My family has owned an upholstery business for over 20 years, and I have been actively upholstering for about 15 of those years.  This is where I have learned most of my sewing skills and pattern making. I love upholstering- I always have something new to work on.

What was your most challenging project to design? 
I think the most difficult for me was my cupcake cottage.  Just trying to build this pattern in my head before I got started really was difficult. The toaster comes in a close second.

Is your family involved in your business?
Absolutely. My kids first and foremost are the inspiration for beginning to make felt toys. The help me with new ideas and are my testers. My husband and parents are huge supporters and fans.

If you could narrow down all your creations to just one favorite, what would it be?
Wow, this one is really difficult! I think right now it is my dinosaur set. They are just so little and cute.

Do you craft/create art other than your felt items?
Oh my, yes. I am a compulsive crafter! I love sewing quilts, pillows, stained glass, making glitter houses, have been known to paint a watercolor or two, draw and probably more that I am not thinking of at the moment. I love to try just about any craft. I have tried to crochet- but that was not so successful. I would love to practice that and take up knitting at some point as well.

Do you and your family have a favorite holiday family tradition?
We get together on Christmas Eve and have appetizers and finger foods. We exchange gifts and just have a nice time being together. My sister and nieces usually spend the night and we all open gifts together in the morning. Christmas breakfast always consists of potato pancakes and eggs.

What tips do you have for beginners working with felt? 
Don't be overwhelmed- felt is probably the best fabric to begin sewing with. Making your stitches even, and consistent will make your finished project look neater. Be careful not to stretch your felt as you sew.

I see you have a Facebook page.  How has this impacted your Etsy shop? 
My fan page has had a huge positive impact on my shop. Facebook is a great way to let interested parties know about new patterns, sales & specials or other goings on. I also love to see the photos people post of finished items using my patterns. Just seeing the color choices and personal details is really neat.

What are some new items we can expect in your Etsy store in 2011?
I do have several patterns in store- but they are top secret. If anyone wants to know as soon as they are released, they should join my email mailing list or my Facebook fan page.

Thanks Jen!  I wish we lived closer - I think we could stir up some fun!
So, how about you?  Have you had fun sewing with felt?  Making felt playfood?  Whether you have and would love to create more or you have not and would love to try… Jen is graciously offering a FREE pattern from her Etsy shop!  Here’s how you can enter to win one of her awesome patterns:
  • Go to Jen’s Etsy shop, Gulf Coast Cottage PDF and check out all her great patterns.  Then, come back here and leave a comment on this post and tell me which one you just cannot live without! 
  • For a second entry – join her Facebook page and be sure to let me know in a comment on this post.
  • For a third entry – post on your blog about this fun giveaway and leave a comment on this post.
The deadline is midnight, Wednesday, December 15th and the winner will be announced on Thursday, December 16th.  Be sure that I can reach you via email if you are the lucky duck!  The winner will receive via email one pattern of their choice from Gulf Coast Cottage.  Thanks Jen for your generosity!

Look at some of her cute patterns.  Ack!  Just in time for Christmas!
Good luck everyone and Merry Christmas!


  1. I love the castle tote pattern!
    Jessica jjg022002 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  2. I love the Chirstmas cookie/hot cocoa set. I made the dinasours and tool box for a friends baby shower. She loved it! ( :
    I'm also a Gulf Coast Cottage facebook fan!

  3. I love them all. My girls fell in love with the cake. the tea set came in a close second.

  4. Oh my!! I love them all!! But that Coco ballerina bunny is just the cutest thing! I LOVE her!

  5. My best friend adopted her daughter from Russia so I would love the Russian doll - but that BBQ would have to be another project for my grandson's summer birthday. Really beautiful things!

  6. Joined her Facebook page.

  7. Oh my, she does gorgeous work. I love it all but am immediately drawn to the cookie jar and cupcake cottage. Thanks for introducing us to her work!
