Friday, January 7, 2011

My studio needed a lift!

Someone suggested a while back that I get some type of lift for my sewing machines so that I didn't have to break my back getting them from under my counter and having to put them back again.  I have thought about that for some time as it was great advice.  Since I do not like leaving much out in my studio, I am constantly taking the sewing machine and serger from beneath the counter, setting them up and then reversing the whole process.

After some thought, research, and planning, I have exactly what I need - a lift!  I purchased this lift from Rockler.  It is most typically used for heavy duty mixers. (I love the way flour is sprinkled all over the counter and lift, but the mixer is pristine and clean!)

My dear friend, Richard (who has done the large majority of remodel in my home including my entire studio) installed the lift for me.  He is wonderful to work with because first he listens, then he helps plan and calculate, and finally he completes the jobs better than most "professionals".  He builds things well and to last.  I'm pretty sure I could jump on my counter top and it wouldn't budge!  That's saying a lot!

Here is the space before adding the lift:
And voila...

This lift holds not only my very heavy Janome 9700, but my Evolve serger as well.  And, I can leave them in place and sew from both machines.  I just swivel my chair around.  Or stand at the serger which I can do every once in a blue moon!

I had intended to paint the shelf of the lift but decided instead to cover it with fabric and then a heavier vinyl.  So, late at night when everyone was asleep, I got out a few of my tools.  Who says a gal can't use tools?  You should see my toolbox - it rocks!  And yes, Gingher scissors and a sewing awl are serious tools, too!

And voila again...


 Both machines

The picture makes the room look pretty small, but it really is very spacious.  I even have room to add my acrylic sewing table next to my machine and onto the counter and I have room to my left for cutting and pinning, and also behind my chair where I iron.  The power cords run on top of the lift and under the counter to the plug.  I can move the lift up and down without bothering the cords and even better - without having to plug them in or unplug them.  (I do unplug them from my machine so there is no power serge to harm them.)

Now I can just put the pedals on the lift, cover the machines, pull the handy handles to release the machines below the counter, pull the curtain and everything is tidy again.  

After installation, we noticed that the lift shows slightly through the curtains.  This is because the weight of the machines makes the lift settle in that position.  So, after even more thought, I have decided to turn that portion of the counter space into an actual cabinet.  It will bring forward the lift by about three inches, giving me a little more space on the table.  It will also encase the end of the counter space below, add doors, and eliminate the curtain in front and on the side.  I will post about that later!

Thanks for stopping by.  I appreciate your time and enjoy your comments and suggestions.


  1. Wow! That looks great. I like how you covered it with the fabric that matches your ironing board. Thought! Maybe I should get Richard to install one for me.Looks like it fits well. Enjoy!

  2. Happy belated birthday Mona! Your studio space looks great. There is not one spot in my home that is that neat, tidy and organized. Yikes! Glad to hear you had a nice birthday. Hope you are having a great weekend. Tammy

  3. This is so fantastic! I was just doing the same research but for my computer. I have a question that you might be able to answer! It says the arm needs to be in a cabinet that is at least 24 inches deep did you find this to be true? I want to convert a credenza to have this hidden computer feature but the credenza is only 19inches deep. What do you think?

  4. Thanks! It has been so nice not having to lift my machine each time I use it! My counter top is 30" deep we used every bit of that space because the platform for my machine needed to be deep. I do believe you will need what the instructions specify because the actual arms and brackets are fairly deep. You should be able to pull up the specifications and look at them. I hope it works out for you! Thanks for stopping by!
