Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sharin' the Sewing & Photography Love

I just wanted to share with you today a few great blogs.  The first is one that I have followed for a few years now - Kinder Kouture by Jeannine M.  If I need a little pick-me-up and inspiration - I go to her blog.  I do believe she is Wonder Woman in disguise!  She is an incredibly talented seamstress/designer and photographer.   This lady does it all... blog, website, photography, sewing, Facebook, Flickr, Tweet, and has an Etsy shop! Even when she has a tough day, she turns it around and flips it over to look for the bright side.  So, go over and check out her beautiful blog.

The second is Photographers Blog.  (And thanks to Jeannine for sharing it with others!)  I am just beginning to pour through it but one thing that I like already is the Friday Editing Spotlight that they just started.  Christine and Leslie give editing advice each Friday and I don't know about you, but I can always use a little lot of editing advice!

And, they are having a super-cool giveaway.  (Pick me, pick me!)   But, I'm sharing that, too!  Sassy Designs has over 600 digital design items and more.  Hurry on over to the Photographers Blog and check that out as well - the contest ends soon.  Sorry for the late notice - I just found this information out myself!

Good luck!

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