Sunday, August 21, 2011

Back To School!

I hope you all enjoyed the summer.  It was hot down here!  In fact, we only lacked three days of breaking a record from 1983 or something like that.  I was hoping we would fall short!  We had one day of light rain and clouds.  It was so nice.

The kids have their new school clothes and supplies all ready to go.  We went to the elementary school last week for "Sneak a Peak" and met their teachers.  School starts on Monday and it is going to be a great year!

I always put together a little goodie bag for the teacher and this year was no different.  I usually put in stickers, blank note cards, pens, etc. for the teacher to use.  I think they need these all year long.  For my daughter's kindergarten teacher, we put together this little bag:

I got lots of practice with tissue paper lately, so I made Mrs. McC. an apple to pretty up her bag o'goodies!

Wrapped up individual little presents...

... and took it to school.  I'm looking forward to another year with Mrs. McC.  She was my son's kindergarten teacher and she is awesome.  She's like the "child whisperer".  Seriously.  They all get so quiet and listen to her so well.  I need to take notes, I guess.

I didn't make a goodie bag for my son's homeroom teacher.  Third grade is a little different, and his teacher is a man this year.  I don't know him and wasn't sure what he would like or need.  I will plan something different for his third grade teachers later in the school year.  I'm serving as Faculty Courtesies this year and am already getting excited about some fun things to make to treat them with!

I wish you all a great back-to-school day or a walk down memory lane of those special times!  Next up will be Friday night football games, watching our sixteen year old march with the band and play the bass drum, homecoming, Open House, and Fall!


  1. Best wishes with back to school. I'm in my second week back with my admin job at the kids school but they don't start until September 5th. Your gift bag is great. I always want to do something for my kids teachers but between the two of them, there's nearly 20 teachers and I never feel like I can do enough. Makes it even harder when they are guys. :/ Have a great week. Tammy

  2. I want to see the quilt project you mentioned in the entry before this one. Also if possible I would like to see your daughter's outfit for the Harry Potter movie. You are so creative! I can't believe we aren't related by blood - just by love. Thanks for your sweet comment on my mother.
