Friday, September 2, 2011

Berry Glad

I am in charge of faculty courtesies this year at the elementary school and was searching online for teacher appreciate gifts and projects.  I found these awesomely cute paper strawberries here and just had to make them!  All 74 of them.

Fortunately, I had help.  My friend Stephanie did all the cutting for me!  Bless her heart, too because I thought I got the better end of the deal there!  We were able to get everything printed, cut, and an assembly line of sorts going in just a few hours.  I was able to assemble them over the weekend and had the help of my daughter and her friend, too.  (Note - they had to or I wasn't going to help with their homecoming garters!  Ha!)

The strawberries were really easy to assemble and the cost was minimal, in my opinion.  It is hard to find nice treats for the teachers and be able to do several things throughout the year while keeping the costs down.  


I used plain and textured cardstock, ribbon, and found the perfect strawberry candies to place inside each one.  I used my handy-dandy Martha Stewart Screw Punch to punch the bazillion holes.  To glue the strawberry sides together, I used Mod Podge and a flat bristled brush.  This kept the glue from gushing out all over the place.  It also dries quickly and clear.  Nice.

To personalize it (and be witty all at the same time), I added a little paper tag to each one - "We're berry glad to have you back! - PTA".  

I also made one for our PTA president.  She has worked so hard since taking on her new post and is due to have a baby any day now.  She needs more than this little strawberry!  Am I right?

All in all, I really think they turned out cute!  We delivered a few and put the rest in their mailboxes.  Hey, they were busy teaching - we didn't want to interrupt!

And, I'm berry glad you stopped by! 

P.S.  As I was searching for the link to the strawberry template, I found out that there is a Sizzix die-cut for this strawberry!  So, if you plan to make lots of these, it might behoove you to purchase it.  Or, find a good friend who will cut them for you!

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