Saturday, September 17, 2011

This Funk I'm In

I'm in a creative funk!  Not the type where I'm coming up with absolutely nothing.  The type where I'm on total creative overload.  It finally felt a little like fall this past week and we even had some rain (thank you, Father!).  I'm ready to pull all of my fall decorations out.  I'm ready to sew.  I'm ready to create.  Ideas are everywhere and I've got the goodies to work with.

So what's the problem, you ask?  I can't focus!  What do I want to do?  What should I start with?   I keep hearing about Pinterest, but that would only make things worse at this point.  Maybe later.  It looks so fun but I will have to save that for another time.  Getting my daily fix of blogs is not helping either.  So many fun things to create and so little time!  Sigh...

However, amidst a soccer game for baby girl today, a little housework, and laundry today, I did manage to get one thing done.  Nothing spectacular or creatively fulfilling, but much-needed.  Remember this?

Well, now it looks like this:

Hey!  Who the heck left that water stain on it?  Anyway, I made another ironing board cover and also had to replace the quilted lining as it was as flat as the proverbial pancake from all the ironing.  So, taaaadaaaah!  If I can get a year and a half out of this one, too I will be pretty satisfied! 

I need to make a list I suppose of some of my ideas and try to get a grip.  I made these little guys last year...

... but they need some company.  I'm dying to make these pretty little babies - I just need to find some luscious silk velvet.

I bought more fabric and trim the other day.  I've been breaking the rule - "Don't buy more fabric until you sew with what ya got".  It's fabric - I don't need to explain myself here, do I?  Yeah, I didn't think so.  I've got several dresses and skirts I would like to make, as well as a new table runner, a banner, and baby girl's quilt.  See what I mean?  Another little sigh...

I'm off to make that list now!  Have a wonderful Sunday!

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