Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Lemme give a shout out to...

I wanted to give a shout out to my peeps!  Okay, they're not my peeps - we don't exactly hang out at Starbucks!  But, I have been a fan of their blogs forever (or since last year when I actually became aware of blogs and the blog addiction began!).

Always good for a chuckle, great tutorials, and fun stuff - check out Jona's blog.  And if you are a fabric hound, go have a look-see at her online fabric shop Fabritopia!  Thanks Jona - you rock!

I also regularly visit the blogs of Sandi Henderson of Portabellopixie and Heather Bailey of Hello my name is heather.  Both are fabric designers and always working on the latest, greatest for those who sew, quilt, or craft with paper.

Another fave of mine is Dena at the Sugar Shop.  She sews, crafts, and designs handbags, but her photography is what caught my eye.  And, she's just a sweet gal.  Speaking of photography, I just love the portraits by Jennifer Anderson.  I may just fly the family to DC for a portrait session!  Ok, maybe not - but wouldn't that be fun?

Peace, love, and fabric!


  1. OMG.......I am so very, very proud of you, girl!!!!!! AND it looks wonderful. Can't wait to see where this takes you....YIPEEEEE! xojana

  2. Yay!!! you have a blog. And what a sweet surprise when I stopped over to say hello to see the shout out! Well the blog looks beautiful! Welcome to blogland!!!

  3. I'm so glad to be one of your peeps! Starbucks anytime!

  4. Your favorites are my favorites. Oh, I love Anna Maria Horner, too. Welcome!

