Sunday, October 4, 2009

Well hello there!

Welcome! My name is Mona and this is my blog. I am a wife, mother to the best four kids I know, crafter, sewing enthusiast, photographer, and all-around organizer. (I hear "You're so organized." quite often- I thought I would add that to the description!)

Friends have encouraged me to start a blog of my own, and since I don't have near enough going on, I thought, "why not?" So, here I am! Blogland is just fascinating and addicting - am I right? I have been inspired by so many and grateful for all that has been posted and shared.

Now that we've met, I would like to share my studio with you. You can find me here throughout the day working, sewing, crafting, emailing, Facebooking (is that a verb?), and spending time with my family.

My built-in computer hutch. The PC and printer are below and out of my way!

I have lots of counter space and storage underneath.

Neat storage containers and my pretty hutch for my fabric stash!  I love my peg board as it is behind the door and holds lots of great things I need such as scissors, sewing machine feet, tools, small ironing board (which desperately needs to be re-covered!), yard stick, and more!

I will share some of my organizing tips later as well as some things I am working on for Fall.  So check back soon!



  1. FIRST!!! HA!

    Welcome to Bloglandia Mona! What a great studio you have! I had no idea you were working in such a cute, inspiring environment! And that computer cubby is so smart...dang!

  2. Oh wow, what a nice space! Welcome to the world of blogging :)

  3. Hi Mona,
    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for giving me your blog address. Wow, I love your sewing/craft's so beautiful. I'm a peg board girl too. I did a post on it too. I also love your organizing boxes I saw on another post. Seems like we've both been bitten by the organizing bug. It's so much easier for the whole family to find something when it's labeled...and boy do I label everything!! I'm off to become a follower to your wonderful blog.
    Have a great night,
