Saturday, February 20, 2010

New Blogs and Cool Giveaways - Spreading the Blog Love!

I'm so, (sew) excited to have stumbled upon some great new blogs.  And, I'm sure that will give way to even more great new blogs!  I have lots of different interests including sewing, crafting, and photography.  Well, I recently found some blogs that feature heirloom sewing and ribbon arts.  So much fun!  My blog list is just a wonderful mix of all kinds of talents!  I love sitting down during stolen moments to catch up on all the new posts that hit daily.

Below are a few of the blogs I've recently found.  And, I see quite a few familiar faces of followers among those blogs.  Hey everybody!  It really is a small, small world!  I didn't add pretty pictures from each blog (I would rather have their permission first), but you can pop over real quick with the links and check them out.

Giveaways - they're all over.  Faaaaahbulous giveaways, too!  I'm crossing my fingers - for even just one of them!  I'm the type of person who never wins anything, so if I do - I may faint!  Go check these out if you haven't already!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.  Maybe the weather will be pleasant... I hear there is SNOW in our forecast again here in Texas!



  1. Mona, thank you for sharing all the give away information!!!! LOVE a good give away in blogland. I need to do one too.

    Also, thank you so much for your sweet word of support in my loss of sweet Reba. THE HOUSE SCREAMS WITH QUIET! Her rugs are still there, the food bowl gone but, SHE is everywhere I look... yet no where to be found. My heart is broken & I feel so ALONE! HUGS! Charlene

  2. Mona I have great news, you are the winner of The Vintage Attic's 100 post giveaway! Stop by my blog to see the Winner Is post.

    please email me with you address so I can get this package in the mail to you.


  3. Mona,
    Congrats!!!!! AND yep they say snow! hard to believe.
    smiles, alice

  4. It really is a small world when you go to other blogs and find "friends" have already been there. So fun! All these giveaways are absolutely fantastic. I'm sendng good luck wishes your way. Blessings, Tammy

  5. You can't say you DON'T win any more!! Congrats on the Vintage Attic win. Great giveaway!!

  6. Hi Mona...Congrats on your win...I love to find new blogs to follow and hopefully new friends...
    Have fun with your goodies....
    Have a Blessed day...
    Sweet Blessings....

  7. Hi Mona, found you through my friends blog, The Vintage Attic, congratulations on a double...
    Nice blog by the way, look forward to visiting again.

  8. Hi Mona,

    Thanks so much for coming over and entering my giveaway and leaving your wonderful comment. I am just blown away by everyone's heartfelt responses! Its a wonderful thing to be able to share our passions and our sorrows with so many
    like minded women. I feel like I have friends all over the world and I am happy to count you among them. Have a wonderful week and congrats on your win!

    My Desert Cottage

  9. Hope you will come over to my blog, I have a great giveaway!!

  10. Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog - you have a lovely blog and I am now a new follower! BTW I love your blog!

  11. Thanks for mentioning the new blogs!! I will have to go by and say hi! Also am following yours now!

    I am excited to join in on a swap for Easter! Did you see all the wonderful little swaps going on for Valentines- I just knew I had to find a swap to join and am so excited!!


  12. thanks for stopping by Mona!!! have you entered in the blog and we could have you smocking a bonnet in no time!!!

  13. oops!!! that should have read , entered you in the "drawing"!!!!

  14. Hello!
    I found your blog a moment ago and thought it was funny the topic .... so enjoy and make the call: Come peek at my blog and enter my February giveaway ... is about to close!

  15. Thanks for stopping by my blog...... and thank you for the nice compliments on Michigan. I can't imagine living anywhere else. Your grandparents live a few hours North of me, but we have a cabin not too far from there, and it is some of the prettiest part of the state!
