Monday, February 22, 2010

Ooooh, this sounds like fun!

A tisket, a tasket - I'm gonna make a basket!!

... or two!  Really, I don't know when I'm going to fit this in... but I HAVE to!  All the other stuff is just work, right?  This is "fun time"!  Thanks to Mary, I found out about this great Easter Basket Swap at Miss Rhea's.  I've already signed up!  (And, I love her name.  My kids' friends all call me Miss Mona - its a southern thang.)

I'll start gathering goodies today.  Right after I take out the banana-chocolate chip bread from the oven, pick up kids from school, drop off one at driver's ed, take my son to Tae Kwon do, make dinner, clean up, get kids to bed........ well, soon anyway!

Let me know if you're thinking about joining in on the fun, too!



  1. What a fun swap! Hope you find the time...your day sounds about like mine! If we don't sleep, though, I think we can get it all done! Can't wait to see what you make for your swap!

  2. Mona thanks so much for putting a little plug in for my blog!! I am so excited about these baskets- had DH go get some yogurt so I would have them when I have a bit of time to play!! Your day sounds like mine when the boys were still at home. You would think now that they are out of the house I would have more time but tisn't so!

    Wouldn't that be fun if we were swap partners!!?


  3. Have fun creating your basket. I am sure it is gonna be fabulous! Thanks for taking a walk down my memory lane of school days. :) Tammy

  4. I signed up for this swap as well... looks fun!

  5. Mona,
    Can't wait to see your basket. You are my hero. I remember those days of raising my kids. Good memories, and they are gone too fast. Oh well now I get to spoil the grandkids.
    xxoo C.

  6. Mona,
    I am gonna check that out, I could do my egg basket! LOl Lisa

  7. I got my swap partners too!Can't wait to get started. We have been taking care of 2 little ones all this week so have been out of town. My mom just called and a family friend just passed away so we head to NM for the funeral as soon as we get back from here- I was hoping to get started sooner as sometimes it takes me a bit to figure things like this out! Can't wait to see what you do with yours!

  8. Hey Mona! I can't wait to swap with you for this! I have no idea how I am going to decorate these yet but plan on getting started this weekend. :-) Love your blog and will be back!

  9. So glad you came by for a visit so I could discover your beautiful blog. I'm so enjoying your posts and seeing the creative beauties from your talented hands. I'll be back for sure! Have a wonderful Sunday.
