Monday, September 26, 2011

Words to live by

Yep, that pretty much sums it up for me.

Thanks Jesse for sending it to me!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

This Funk I'm In

I'm in a creative funk!  Not the type where I'm coming up with absolutely nothing.  The type where I'm on total creative overload.  It finally felt a little like fall this past week and we even had some rain (thank you, Father!).  I'm ready to pull all of my fall decorations out.  I'm ready to sew.  I'm ready to create.  Ideas are everywhere and I've got the goodies to work with.

So what's the problem, you ask?  I can't focus!  What do I want to do?  What should I start with?   I keep hearing about Pinterest, but that would only make things worse at this point.  Maybe later.  It looks so fun but I will have to save that for another time.  Getting my daily fix of blogs is not helping either.  So many fun things to create and so little time!  Sigh...

However, amidst a soccer game for baby girl today, a little housework, and laundry today, I did manage to get one thing done.  Nothing spectacular or creatively fulfilling, but much-needed.  Remember this?

Well, now it looks like this:

Hey!  Who the heck left that water stain on it?  Anyway, I made another ironing board cover and also had to replace the quilted lining as it was as flat as the proverbial pancake from all the ironing.  So, taaaadaaaah!  If I can get a year and a half out of this one, too I will be pretty satisfied! 

I need to make a list I suppose of some of my ideas and try to get a grip.  I made these little guys last year...

... but they need some company.  I'm dying to make these pretty little babies - I just need to find some luscious silk velvet.

I bought more fabric and trim the other day.  I've been breaking the rule - "Don't buy more fabric until you sew with what ya got".  It's fabric - I don't need to explain myself here, do I?  Yeah, I didn't think so.  I've got several dresses and skirts I would like to make, as well as a new table runner, a banner, and baby girl's quilt.  See what I mean?  Another little sigh...

I'm off to make that list now!  Have a wonderful Sunday!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Pure Genius!

I stumbled upon this today...

... from the blog of the Scientific Seamstress.  I love it.  Not sure how I missed this so many months ago.  Huh.

And, note that "Fe" is for Iron which is the only element that I actually remembered from 10th grade chemistry.  SEW funny (and ironic)!  Ha!  That was funny, too!  I crack myself up.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Homecoming 2011 in Texas

The weather is starting to cool off a bit around these parts.  Hopefully, it will last.  We are all looking forward to fall weather.  And with that comes football... and homecoming!  Our homecoming is early again this year.  We are 'ready Freddy' though.  

The past several years, my daughters and some of their friends gather at our house in my studio and we have lots of fun making the mums and garters.  Go here for last year's models.  I know a lot of people who don't craft and order their mums and garters.  I understand.  But personally, this is another reason I love crafting.  Putting these together is so much fun and one of the few times of the year that my older daughters and I dedicate the day together being creative.  And yes, it takes most of the day!

A glimpse of our handy work... and the big-fat mess creativity!


We branched out a little this year and made loops and braids.

Of course, we personalized with as many band and football things we could find.  Because he plays football and she marches with the band, they won't be able to sport their mums and garters until after the game - maybe at dinner.


I know my daughter is looking forward to seeing her mum and her dad is looking forward to the game!  Friday night lights, baby!

Oh, I have to share this also... when my husband and I were in high school, the tradition waaaaay back then was "mum's the word."  So, all day long at school everyone had to be quiet during passing periods, in the halls, etc.  All you could  hear was the jingling of the bells and swishing of the ribbons.  We were pretty quiet in the classrooms, too.  Then, we would all quietly go to the pep rally at the end of the day in the gym.  Still quiet, we waited for the cheerleaders to come in.  And when the football players busted through the big paper banners and the band struck up, we all screamed at the top of our lungs!  It was almost deafening after such a quiet day.  I wish our high school would do that these days.  Good times, good times.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Berry Glad

I am in charge of faculty courtesies this year at the elementary school and was searching online for teacher appreciate gifts and projects.  I found these awesomely cute paper strawberries here and just had to make them!  All 74 of them.

Fortunately, I had help.  My friend Stephanie did all the cutting for me!  Bless her heart, too because I thought I got the better end of the deal there!  We were able to get everything printed, cut, and an assembly line of sorts going in just a few hours.  I was able to assemble them over the weekend and had the help of my daughter and her friend, too.  (Note - they had to or I wasn't going to help with their homecoming garters!  Ha!)

The strawberries were really easy to assemble and the cost was minimal, in my opinion.  It is hard to find nice treats for the teachers and be able to do several things throughout the year while keeping the costs down.  


I used plain and textured cardstock, ribbon, and found the perfect strawberry candies to place inside each one.  I used my handy-dandy Martha Stewart Screw Punch to punch the bazillion holes.  To glue the strawberry sides together, I used Mod Podge and a flat bristled brush.  This kept the glue from gushing out all over the place.  It also dries quickly and clear.  Nice.

To personalize it (and be witty all at the same time), I added a little paper tag to each one - "We're berry glad to have you back! - PTA".  

I also made one for our PTA president.  She has worked so hard since taking on her new post and is due to have a baby any day now.  She needs more than this little strawberry!  Am I right?

All in all, I really think they turned out cute!  We delivered a few and put the rest in their mailboxes.  Hey, they were busy teaching - we didn't want to interrupt!

And, I'm berry glad you stopped by! 

P.S.  As I was searching for the link to the strawberry template, I found out that there is a Sizzix die-cut for this strawberry!  So, if you plan to make lots of these, it might behoove you to purchase it.  Or, find a good friend who will cut them for you!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

A promised trip to the "best place ever"!

All summer long my baby girl waited to go to "the" store.  The last week before school started, we finally got to go!  And, with her bestest friend ever.  

The weather was nice despite the heat, the girls were great the whole time, and us mommies got to visit the Pottery Barn and William Sonoma stores, too - bonus!

Eagerly waiting in matching dresses that I made for each of their birthdays.  

And here we goooooo....

After my daughter darted all over the store and pointed at EVERY thing there, and after a few "let's discuss this" talks, she finally narrowed it down to the hair brush, rollers, Halloween cat outfit, pair of shoes, t-shirt, and glasses.  That's one of those tough moments when you feel like all you say is "no, that's too much", but you want to just say, "yes, we'll take it all!"  She was fine with it all, but did point out items that she hopes Santa will bring this Christmas.  I can deal with that.

We also had a nice time dining upstairs.  Who knew a two-story building would be dedicated to dolls?  Anyway, I loved all the pink and fru-fru.  Fun.  Of course, we were all seated and catered to.  I'm pretty sure their dolls loved it.  My daughter's doll, Jessica was really kicked back and best friend's doll was amazed at the beautiful view of the Galleria.




My daughter's main course.  Look at the size of the burger and hot dog!  I ordered the salmon which was wonderful and best friend's mom had a dee-lish salad.  

We are looking forward to another visit.  However, my wallet is hesitant.  I'm kidding - it was worth every penny!