Monday, November 14, 2011

International Quilt Market - Fall 2011

This. is. a long... post.  I hope you are comfy and have a cup of coffee ready.  Last month, I was fortunate to go to International Quilt Market in Houston and with BFF Harriet.  Neither of us had been before and we had a blast!  I'm very late in posting these, but I wanted to go ahead and share them.  So, in order of appearance....

Complimentary wine, fruit and cheese courtesy of the Hyatt in Houston.   When we arrived to our room, we found one of the beds was up against the wall, and obviously there was work going on in the room.  They switched us to another room and later sent us this surprise.  Nice way to start off our trip!

 View of downtown from the convention center as we waited for our morning classes.

 Hey!  Guess who I ran in to?  Yep, Kris Thurgood of the DIY Dish and My Girlfriend's Quilt Shop.  She is such a sweet gal to chat with!

 Next, we ran into Kay Whitt of Serendipity Studio.  She was debuting her latest book "Sew Serendipity Bags".  Yeah, I got mine!  It looks so pretty with her other book in my office and it is just as beautiful as her first book.  I can't wait to start a project.  (Is it just me, or does my left boot look massive?  Sigh.)

 I could have run away with all these vintage lovelies at Dusty's Vintage Button and Textiles booth!

 I'm so stinkin' in love with these new sample boards from Basic Grey.  They are stunning and had my creative juices just overflowing!

 Busy, busy over at Moda's section of market.

 Sarai Mitnick and Ken Wilson from Colette Patterns and new book "The Colette Sewing Handbook".

 I love Pat Bravo's booth and line "Modernology".

 Designer Jennifer Moore and her husband of monaluna.  Naturally, I like this name!  She carries beautiful organic fabrics!

 Ellie Mae Designs.  How cool is that backdrop?  

And the cute, cute Natalie Lymer of Cinderberry Stitches with "Wooland".  We just stood there gawking.  Lovin' the many things she displayed and the sweet stitching.

 We were so excited to meet Rachel Ashwell and get a copy of her new book, "Shabby Chic Inspirations".  She is a lovely woman and her book is fabulous!  It is full of gorgeous photography and creative ideas.

I have many more photos from Quilt Market to share, so stay tuned for more to come!  Thanks, as always for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. I love the post.I so enjoyed the trip and cherish your friendship. Who would ever had thought we would be at a quilt Market and meet some Celebrities.
