Monday, November 14, 2011

Int'l Quilt Market - Fall 2011 - Part 2

Get ready for another long post!  I had so much fun a market and just couldn't help but snap pictures left and right!  Here's where I left off from my last post...

 David Butler's new line Parson Gray Curious Nature.  What an awesome and versatile collection!

Then we ran into this sweet gal - Lindsay from Cottage Home.  Poor thing, I scared her.  I follow her blog and FB page and recognized her (and the Cottage Home bag she had on her shoulder).  When I said, "where's Little Man?", she gave me the strangest look!  I had to explain myself and we both laughed.  It totally caught her off guard.  Anyway, I enjoyed chatting with her.  Go check our her blog for the great re-cap on her Quilt Market experience.  This lady amazes me - she was at market with her two month old son - wow!  Of course, her mother was there helping with Little Man!

 Harriet and I with the uber-talented, gracious Amy Butler.  Her new collection, "Lark" is a must have!  I think it needs to go on my Christmas list.  Mmmm hmmm.

Next we visited Anna Maria Horner's booth and yay, she was there!  She's as sweet in person as in her new Janome ad!  She had all kinds of lovelies on display including her new trim, cotton floss, kits, and (OMGosh!) her new LouLou flannels.  I want them!  I Need them!

Ty Pennington was hanging out in his booth.  There was a lot of traffic around him - all the silly people waiting to have their picture taken with him!  Haha!  He has a great line of bright, hip fabrics.

 We enjoyed stopping by to meet Tina Givens.  I love her style - sophisticated and elegant.

 Lots of color everywhere!  I was in fabric and notion heaven I tell ya!

Here with Patty Young of MODKID Boutique and her new line "Lush".  Just gorgeous - I can't wait to get my hands on some of that fabric!  I have used several of her girl and doll patterns and they sew up so easy.

 Pillow and Maxfield's "Ooh La La"... exactly, right?

And of course, cool set-up from Michael Miller!

Okay, I still have a few more photos to share from market... so that means one more post!  See you soon.

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