Friday, July 30, 2010

My new best friend!

I found a new friend!  Yes, it is a thimble.

I decided to finish my quilt binding by hand and by the time I had completed one side I had a nice little blister on the end of "that" finger.  Owwwie!  Thank goodness for the quilt shop just about 2 miles away!  "And say hello to my little friend!"

It was well worth the $8.95 sticker shock price to save "that" finger from any more torture.  And, the little rubber part kept it from falling off.  Best part?  It's pink!  (I see you grinning, Sissie!)

See those pretty little pins?  My mom and I sewed many things with those and therefore, I will use them as long as possible and keep them always!  I can still picture her pinning things together and always with one or two pursed between her lips!

I'll show my quilt in the next post as I forgot to take it outside earlier to get some nice pictures!

Til then,

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mini Quilt in the making

In my last post, I shared with you a little bit about my most recent project.  Now, let me show you the quilt a little more.  Having the top already pieced together, I just needed to add the borders, backing, and quilt it.  Fortunately, I had the book from class to refer to!

Our teacher gave us this handy little swatch card to help us pick our fabrics.  This was so right up my alley!  Did you know that I love to make graphs and drawings for almost every project?

I liked this little project because I was able to learn some of the basic blocks but not be overwhelmed with the size of a normal quilt.  The finished size will be about 43" square and actually makes a nice lap quilt.  Here are a few of the blocks I made.

The borders are on and its begging to be quilted!  More to come...

Monday, July 26, 2010

Looking back... and looking forward

I have so many projects that I would like to start, but one stood out among the rest.  Probably because Sivje of Goosegirl Sews has been posting all kinds of fun things about quilting.  I am amazed at her sewing anyway, but the fact that she is already teaching her children to sew and quilt at such young ages - well, let's give her a hand!  Go check out their progress.  I'm impressed!

So, I pulled out a project that I started about three years ago.  My mom, who taught me to sew and always encouraged my creative soul, thought that with four kids, I didn't have enough time for myself.  She thought I should take a class, maybe a quilting class - something dedicated to me.  

It wasn't long after that she passed away.  It was very sudden and unexpected.  As I was sitting in what was her room in my house, missing her and pondering things, I decided to transform the bedroom into what is now my studio.  I love being in my studio and sewing.  It is relaxing and peaceful.  Not a single day or project goes by that I don't think of her, all the fun we had sewing and crafting together, the things she taught me along the way, and how proud she would be. 

And, I took that quilting class.  I learned piecing and the basic squares.  All it lacked was the backing and quilting to finish it.  I really enjoyed the process.  But, somewhere along the way, the project was set aside with good intentions.  Until now.  So, thanks Sivje for sharing your posts.  You sparked that quilting bug in me which in turn brought back some very fond memories and a completed mini-quilt!

Below is the pieced quilt top.  More on the quilt coming soon.  Thanks for stopping by!


Friday, July 23, 2010

Bean Bag Fun

I recently saw a post on bean bags and decided to make some for my two youngest kiddos.  I unfortunately cannot remember where I saw the post, so I'm sorry that I am not giving credit to that crafty little lady.  If I find it, I will be sure to let you know!

Anyway, I went through my scraps and found enough to make six bean bags for each kiddo.  I liked the way Ms. Crafty BeanBagLady put numbers on her bean bags, so I did the same thing using felt.  My kids know their numbers, but it helped them remember how many they should have and therefore retrieve the one or two that kept trying to hide under the couch!

It was easy finding fabric for my daughter, not so much for my son.  But, I managed to find a few that he liked.  I guess I should call mine "black-bean bags".  Hey, black beans were on sale.  

I sewed five inch squares with right sides together and left a small opening to turn and  then fill with beans.  Then after filling, I top-stitched around the edges.  Maybe not necessary, but I figured they would be thrown around quite a bit so the extra stitching certainly couldn't hurt!

Moral of the story... never throw away ANY fabric!  hahaha


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Yes, it's that chair again!

Seriously, I couldn't help myself!  I love the look of white duck - very shabby, but my chair was drowning in with everything else.  So, RIT dye to the rescue!

It could have been a tad lighter, but I like this shade of pink.

I had this nice sink full of pretty pink dye and just couldn't stand it... I found a flat sheet and some pillow cases and dyed those pink also!  My girlfriend came over and asked, "Why are you dyeing those pink.?"  Whaaaat?  The nerve!  So I replied, "Why wouldn't I?"  'Nuff said.

I'll try not to bring up my little chair again... for a while anyway!  In the meantime, I'll try to figure out what I'm going to do with the pink sheet and pillow cases!  Maybe a little red work embroidery?


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

What's more fun than this?

In my busy, hectic world I'm often too wrapped up in the "to-do's" of the day.  During one of my working flurries, my littlest said, "Mommy, can I paint?  Pleeeeeeease?"  Good timing for me because it would keep her busy for a just a bit.  But, it was a needed lesson of the day for me.  I realized that I need to slow down and enjoy things like this a little more often...

How simple and how fun.  No lines to stay within.  Just play in the colors and get messy!  She couldn't have been happier.

As adults, how often do we get to go back to that kind of fun?  How often do we allow ourselves that kind of fun?  Le sigh...


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Pushing the comfort zone... and seeing spots

I'm about to push my comfort zone a little.  Err, a lot.  It was difficult for me to even open an Etsy shop and I haven't sold much from it.  Although, I haven't listed much either.  But now, I have the opportunity to sell some of my children's garments in a local retail shop.

So why am I nervous?  Not totally sure.  I guess I just want to make sure that what I sew and have to offer is professional and comfy.  I'm fairly new but getting better and learning all the time.  I think I'm ready for that next step.

I met with the shop owner on Friday and had a chance to get to know her a little better.  She's a super-sweet gal and the atmosphere of the shop is very casual and kid friendly.  She even has a big, cool fabric tent with pillows, a sweet little pink vanity, toys, and a comfy couch for the kids to enjoy whilst the mommies shop.  Everything she carries is of great quality and all handmade.  It was nice to sit and chat with some of the other designers.  Wait, does that make me a designer?  *pondering...*

You know the first thing I did when I got there was to check out the other garments.  C'mon - you know you do it, too.  Even when you are shopping at a large retail store.  Turn over the seam. check it out.  "How did they finish this?"  "Ooooh, I like that!"  "Neat idea, why didn't I think of that?"  "Hmmm, not sure about this."  You know.

I stayed up until 4 a.m. working on garment hang tags, too.  Some designers use business cards and they looked great.  I'll stick with my handmade tags for now.  What do I have to lose, right?  I'm not in it for the money, just for an excuse to sew more.  And, that's what counts!  I would love to hear from you.  Have you had any experience with this?  Any advice?

I finished up this little outfit the other day also.  I really like Pink Fig's "Olivia" top.  The shirring is fun and pretty quick.  It has lots of options.  I love the leopard against the red and green, too.

I made some little cha-cha pants to go with it.  I love the way they swing when walking!

As always, thanks for stopping by.  I have about five different projects in mind right now from aprons to a bedspread.  I may have to work on my quilting skills!  Well, I'm off to watch a movie and maybe work on a little hand embroidery!  ..... must... stitch.....


Saturday, July 17, 2010

I must let you know....

.... about this awesome giveaway!  Check out Marie-Madeline Studio's newest giveaway!  

Look at all that fabric!  (I have goose bumps!)

Sigh.  I admit, I want this for myself.  But, I happily share this information because I know some lucky person will be in pure heaven with this sweet stash o'fabric!!!  Seriously, who wouldn't be in heaven?

I don't personally know these ladies, but they look so sweet and are always so generous.  And, they ain't too shabby with the sewin' either!  Thanks ladies for this great opportunity!


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ready.... set... sew!

All washed...

... all ironed....

... and ready to SEW!!!

I don't always like this process, but this time it was relaxing.  Weird?  Maybe.

Happy, happy!


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Crossing my fingers!

I wanted  to take a few minutes to share some new blogs that I've recently found of two talented ladies.  Jenny of Sew Pretty Dresses is just down the road (well, in Texas that means about 3 hours!), but what I consider to be a neighbor!  She looks like a real sweetheart!  Everything on her blog looks like something I would have picked out - a kindred spirit!  Thanks for sharing, Jenny with a J!

Today, Jenny posted about a giveaway over at A Little Sweetness.  Tasha is hosting a DIY Dress Kit Giveaway and it is the cutest little dress.  I want one for myself!  Actually for my four year old, you know what I mean.  I love the colors and style and her embroidery is just, you guessed it - so sweet!  Crossing my fingers....

So please go check out these ladies and tell 'em I sent ya!


Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

I wish you all a safe and Happy 4th of July!

Please don't drink and drive - celebrate safely.

And let us be thankful for our men and women in the United States military who sacrifice each and every day for us so that we may enjoy the freedoms we have.